Adequate vitamin D is essential to maintain optimal health. It’s a powerhouse that your body relies on for several functions. From a strong immune system to sturdy bones, and much in between, you need Vitamin D. The problem in lies in the nature of vitamin D, it can be tricky to make sure you’re getting enough of it. In fact, about 1 in 4 people in the United States are considered vitamin D deficient. That’s where supplementation in the form of a vitamin D injection comes in handy.
What Is Vitamin D?
Technically, vitamin D isn’t actually a vitamin. It’s a type of fat-soluble hormone produced by the body. This is achieved in a process where our cells respond to the wavelengths of light produced by the sun; not too dissimilar from a plant creating chlorophyll. There are, however, several factors that may prevent you from producing enough vitamin D from sunlight stimulation. These factors include the use of UV-blocking sunscreen, too much time spent indoors, living in a more overcast environment (I'm looking at you, Seattle!) or even pollution that keeps UV rays from fully getting through to stimulate our cells.
If you don’t get enough sunlight to produce vitamin D, you can try modifying your diet to get it from your food. Vitamin D occurs naturally in some foods, such as liver, cheese and fatty fish like salmon and tuna. Try to not be deceived by fortified foods like some dairy products, juices and cereals - this is typically done with synthetic D2 which is not readily utilized in our bodies. The recommended daily allowance of vitamin D it 600 to 800 international units (IU) for adults—through sun exposure or diet, though this is in a "healthy" person who doesn't already have a deficiency.
The current recommendation is a blood value of 30ng/mL or above, though research is supporting numbers upwards of 70 as being most beneficial, especially for immune function.
If you know you have a deficiency, your provider has probably recommended supplementation of 2000iu or more per day, orally. This dosage is also fairly standard for the "dark months" of the year when you likely aren't getting enough sun exposure for proper Vitamin D synthesis.
Vitamin D supplements come in two forms:
Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol)
Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol)
Vitamin D3 is often preferred as a supplement because it tends to do a better job at raising the blood levels of vitamin D, and is more bio-available, or easier for your body to us.
Vitamin D can be taken in pill form, can be included in an IV treatment, or can be done as a single injection - which is one of the quickest ways to get your Vitamin D boost!
What Are Vitamin D3 Shots?
We deliver vitamin D3 via Acupuncture Point Injection Therapy (PIT). This means vitamin D3 gets into the bloodstream right away for maximum absorption because of the vasculature and nature of acupuncture points.
At GoodMedizen, we start by cleaning the injection site, which typically is the point ST 36, in the leg. We then quickly inject vitamin D and then apply light pressure to the site. Some people may feel slight discomfort after the shot, an achy sensation, but it should go away within a few minutes to an hour, and you can still go about your normal activities.
Vitamin D can be done as a stand alone injection, or in combination with other nutrients. It is included in our "S.A.D. support injection along with B12 and homeopathic ATP.
Vitamin D3 Injection Benefits and Uses
These injections can enhance your well-being because vitamin D is so important to the body.
Among the potential benefits:
Strong bones Vitamin D is a crucial part of the absorption of Calcium, and thus crucial for healthy bone. Too little can cause bone pain and muscle weakness, and can contribute to osteopenia and osteomalacia.
A healthy heart From a 2021 study, "Vitamin D regulates blood pressure by acting on endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells. Its deficiency has been associated with various CV risk factors and appears to be linked to a higher mortality and incidence of CV disease (CVD). Several mechanisms have been proposed relating vitamin D deficiency to CV risk factors" (Read more here)
A responsive immune system From a 2012 study, "Deficiency in vitamin D is associated with increased autoimmunity as well as an increased susceptibility to infection. As immune cells in autoimmune diseases are responsive to the ameliorative effects of vitamin D, the beneficial effects of supplementing vitamin D deficient individuals with autoimmune disease may extend beyond the effects on bone and calcium homeostasis." (Read more here)
Elevated mood From a 2010 study, "Effective detection and treatment of inadequate vitamin D levels in persons with depression and other mental disorders may be an easy and cost-effective therapy which could improve patients’ long-term health outcomes as well as their quality of life." (Read more here)
Cognitive health Some researchers have found that the brain has many vitamin D receptors, and it’s crucial not just for developing babies’ brains in-utero but also for maintaining cognitive function throughout life. Can also read here on several facets pointing to the essential role of Vitamin D in cognitive function.
Diabetes and weight loss support
From a 2008 study, "Vitamin D treatment has also improved glycemic control and insulin sensitivity in people with type 1 diabetes, people with type 2 diabetes, and normal individuals." (Read more here)
There are many vitamin D shot benefits, especially if you are deficient in this crucial nutrient. The following may contribute to a vitamin D deficiency:
Lack of sun exposure to naturally produce vitamin D
Advanced age, as the ability to make vitamin D decreases as we get older
Fat absorption disorders such as celiac disease or Crohn’s disease
Darker skin tones, which don’t naturally produce as much vitamin D
Injections and IVs vs. Supplements
Injections deliver a "straight shot" of vitamin D3 to the bloodstream. This makes these shots highly effective for anyone who wants to focus on increasing their vitamin D levels. This is an improvement upon typical oral supplements. Pills, tablets or liquids must first be digested, which lessens the amount absorbed into the bloodstream.
It also only needs to be administered 1-2 times per year for most individuals, taking away the need for daily oral supplements.
Should I Get a Vitamin D Injection?
It may be wise to explore injections if you have any risk factors for a vitamin D deficiency. You may also want to get an injection if you experience signs of D3 deficiency, such as:
Weak bones
Weight gain
Sleep issues
Depression symptoms (including Seasonal Affective Disorder "SAD")
Digestive problems
Always talk to your doctor before getting a vitamin D shot. Be sure to let your injection provider know if you are on any medication that may interfere with vitamin D. At GoodMedizen, we are knowledgeable and happy to help you decide if an injection is right for you.
Schedule a D3 Shot Today
Our vitamin D injection costs are affordable, at $45 per shot.
To schedule:
Call/text us (206)402-3813
Email: office@goodmedizen.com
Or let us know at your next acupuncture or microneedling session, injections can be easily added on to your appointment.