Urinary and Sexual Function Symptoms & Conditions
Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Urinary & Sexual Function Treatments in Downtown Seattle
Working with you to help ease your symptoms and enjoy life more.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can be helpful treatment options or adjunct therapies for many Urinary & Sexual Function symptoms and conditions including PCOS, Uterine Fibroids, PMS, Low Libido, and Erectile Dysfunction. Check below for some highlighted conditions that acupuncture can effectively treat.
Call us at (206) 402-3813 or Click Here To Schedule Your Appointment Today!
Regardless of gender and sex, we all have plumbing "down there" and it doesn't always work the way it should. Acupuncture can help reduce or eliminate several genitourinary symptoms.
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
Hormone Imbalance
Kidney Stones
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Tract Infections
Uterine Fibroids

Acupuncture for Cycle Regulation
Acupuncture can be very effective for helping to regulate menstrual cycles - it can help you to cycle more regularly and with fewer symptoms.
Dysmenorrhea, PMS, and PMDD:
You shouldn't suffer before (or during!) your period!
A study published in November 2002 Using acupuncture to treat premenstrual syndrome, they found that, "The success rate of [acupuncture] in treating PMS symptoms was 77.8%, whereas it was 5.9%. in the placebo group." (Read the whole article here) Acupuncture can help balance your hormones, reduce cysts and fibroids, and help your uterus contract properly - this will help to prevent/reduce cramping, changes in digestion, headaches, night sweats, and more.
Amenorrhea and Irregular Periods:
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can help to regulate cycles by balancing hormones and nourishing deficiencies. In Chinese Medicine we call deficiencies "Xu" and there are four main types "Qi Xu," "Xue (blood) Xu," "Yin Xu," and "Yang Xu." Without going into a lot of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and philosophy, we are essentially talking about the building blocks of our blood and hormones, the energy to get them where they need to go, and their balance. With Chinese Medicine diagnostic techniques, we will determine where your cycle irregularities are coming from, and treat the root of the problem. This will lead to more comfortable, and regular cycles.
See if acupuncture can help with your menstrual cycles.
“Gender is a dance of Yin and Yang, and the balance is unique in every person.”
We are working hard, every day, to create a safe space for transgender and gender-fluid individuals to receive healthcare. We want to make you feel welcomed, celebrated, and supported.
Besides outright discrimination, the lack of clinical and cultural competence makes it hard for many trans people to receive proper care because their bodies may not fit the gender norms - this is especially true when trying to get reproductive healthcare.
In Chinese medical philosophy, gender is a dance of Yin and Yang, and the balance is unique in every person. We call this a dance because this balance is based on a complex spectrum, with different rhythms. It is always changing and always evolving.
Acupuncture services for transgender health and wellness can help support you in various stages of your identity journey, whether you decide to pursue a medical transition or not. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help support:
Emotional wellness in any stage of the process
Reducing side effects of hormone therapy, such as mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia, weight changes, and headaches or migraines
Recovery from gender-affirming surgery
Pre-surgical preparation and care:
Improve blood circulation and boost Qi and Blood to improve surgical outcome and recovery
Reduce stress and anxiety
Post-surgical recovery
Reduce pain, reduce dependency on painkillers
Soften scar tissue, reduce scarring
Improve circulation, speed up recovery
Balance hormonal symptoms pre- and post-surgery
Strengthen pelvic floor muscles after bottom surgery
Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help you start a family, no matter your gender identity.
Persons with Ovaries
Support emotional wellness and balance side effects from discontinuation of testosterone medication
Promote ovulation and regulate menstrual cycles
Balance uncomfortable side effects of fertility drugs (if needed), including the rollercoaster of physical and emotional changes which tend to hit transgender men harder than cis-women.
IUI/IVF collaboration: From a allopathic medical standpoint, the protocols and procedures would be the same for cis-women and transgender men, but the side effects vary from person to person.
Persons with Testicles
You may consider freezing your sperm before the gender affirming transition process begins, as hormone therapy and surgery can have permanent affects on your fertility. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can improve sperm quality, whether it’s for sperm freezing or for insemination in IVF/IUI.
How to Prepare, and some things to consider...
Here is a list of things we will likely ask you about - if there is something you would rather not discuss at this time, please let us know and will do our best to give you comprehensive care without focusing on them. Please keep in mind that in Chinese Medicine, there are often things that may seem unrelated, but they have a common root, and if we do not address that root, you may not get any results. Your comfort and safety is at the utmost of important though, so we will work with and around things as necessary.
Surgical History. Top and bottom surgery, as with any surgery, will cause "blood stasis" which we will want to address. Scar tissue can also lead to several functional changes all over the body - GoodMedizen is proud to offer free Neural Therapy, which is a form of scar treatment, for all surgical scars from top surgery.
Hormone Treatment. Additional sources of testosterone/yang and estrogen/yin will affect TCM and Western organs. We can also help with side effects from these medications.
Menstrual Cycle. If you menstruate (or if you have in the past) we will want to at least go through the details at your initial evaluation. Menstruation can give us an incredible wealth of information from a Chinese Medical perspective.
Chest Binding. The practice of binding breasts for some masculine-presenting individuals inevitably causes "Qi and blood stagnation" which we will want to address.
Stress Level. This is a huge issue for this patient population who face a much greater risk of physical attack, job discrimination, bathroom safety issues, suicide, and family alienation, just to name a few... We want to do everything we can to help!
Bottom line, we want to meet you where you are at, and help you in any way we can.
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can be very effective treatment options for several types of infertility.
Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years for fertility and sexual function. If you think about the origins of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it makes sense - it was the medicine of the emperors! It originated out of the need to help emperors stay young and viral; to have plenty of energy and to have children from several concubines.
Today, we use acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine to help with fertility issues in both men and women. We can help men with Erectile Dysfunction, as well as with sperm health (motility and morphology) - this will look at physical impediments (anatomical and/or injury), as well as systemic (hormonal, nutritional, nervous system, and cardiovascular).
We also help with infertility in women in a wide spectrum of causes and contributing factors. Treatment plan will be determined on a variety of factors - past pregnancy history, cycle regulation, hormones, other fertility treatments (past and/or present), and several others.
In very general terms, we help to reduce inflammation, increase circulation, and balance hormones to help regulate your menstrual cycle.
If you are thinking of getting pregnant, or are already trying, consider Chinese Medicine. The sooner we start, the better.
See if acupuncture can help you with fertility.
Acupuncture for Menopause
Acupuncture treatment for menopause is very effective!
Hot flashes, Night Sweats, Weight Gain, Depression, Anxiety, Vaginal Dryness, Vaginal Dystrophy, Discomfort with Sex, Low Libido, and more....
We can help!
When women near the end of their childbearing years, their bodies no longer need the same amount of sex hormones, so their ovaries shut down their hormonal functions, but some of these hormones are still needed. It then becomes the adrenal glands' job to produce these sex hormones, the problem is that we lead such stressful lives that our adrenal glands are tired and unable to take on this additional job... so we end up with hormone imbalance.
This is further compounded with:
-metabolic dysregulation because of too many processed foods
-too much body fat (hormones, especially estrogen, "hide" in body fat)
-endocrine disruptors in our food and water (they can bind to estrogen receptors and wreak havoc)
So our job is to help your body regulate itself by getting rid of those endocrine disruptors ("toxins"), regulating metabolism, and helping the adrenals to function properly.
Most women will find tremendous benefit with acupuncture alone, and some women will need the aid of Chinese Herbs to make a significant difference - but we typically are able to find a solution to help women feel MUCH better.
Menopause should be a smooth transition! If you are experiencing negative symptoms related to menopause, look at acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as options to help you feel better!
See if acupuncture can help with your menopausal symptoms.
Book your Free Consultation Today!
No one should have to endure the pain and discomfort which comes from urinogenital symptoms and conditions that can be treated. If you are experiencing painful menstruation, PMS, infertility, erectile dysfunction, or other symptoms, consult with your acupuncture specialists in downtown Seattle, at GoodMedizen.