Welcome to GoodMedizen, your Downtown Seattle Acupuncture Clinic!
Thank you for scheduling your acupuncture appointment with us. We look forward to working with you. Please spend a little time reviewing the info on this page as it will help you to get the most out of your appointment. Never hesitate to call or email us if you have any questions.

Finding Us
Our office is located in the Medical Dental Building, which is at the corner of Olive Way and 6th Ave. The primary entrance is on Olive Way next to Go Fitness and Cherry Street Coffee. The easiest parking is available across the street at Pacific Place Shopping Center with parking entrances on 6th and 7th avenues.
Please note that only one bank of elevators services the 14th floor. From the elevator, take two lefts, and Suite 1401 is the first door on the left.
Tips for your first visit
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. We will need ready access to your lower legs and arms, so think about clothes that can easily be rolled up.
Try to eat something before coming in. Acupuncture and low blood sugar don’t play well together, so a healthy meal an hour or two before your appointment is advised.
Avoid Coffee: Caffeine ramps up the nervous system, causing you to likely feel things a little stronger and be less able to relax through the treatment. Wait until after your treatment for your fix of Seattle’s finest beverage.

Other questions?
If you have other questions, please give us a call or text at 206-402-3813, or send your practitioner an email.
We are happy to help!
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you!